Mark Hamilton let’s you know you have found your home with the Neothink Society.

20 Responses

  1. Thank you Mark Hamilton, for finding me, having me join this great society & for all the love, happiness & joy it brings; also, thank you for helping me discover me again, as well as to take full responsibility to full accountability. I’m glad to discover all that I can do, able to accomplish & more; I’m having fun again & can’t wait to get my new life started as well as my Clubhouse

  2. Yes Mr. Hamilton I was searching even though I didn’t know it. I am forever
    grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself. I have been
    looking for Pure Love and Happiness all my life a home and lifelong friends.
    I found everything I have been looking for and more. I have tears in my eyes
    as I am typing. Please know those are not tears of a victim anymore they’re
    tears of JOY HAPPINESS AND PURE LOVE. I have never felt this way
    before. It’s so wonderful to wake up and face the world with my new
    mentality. To feel safe and have peace of mind is so great.
    THANK YOU MR. HAMILTON for saying in the literature
    I will not except for you to give up. That kept me going and I am grateful.

  3. You’re so right–I have found it! And damn skippy it is, too!! All my life I knew something wasn’t quite right, that instead of supporting my creativity and insights, more often than not, there were attempts to squash them–and me–to stop me from being who and what I am by nature. It was obvious that “they,” the Powers-That-Be, or PTB were actually threatened by me…me? A little kid, who asks questions? And who says, How do you know? Just telling me, “Cuz you say so!” isn’t enough…when they say it should be? I knew instinctively that something was up–and now I’m getting a really good picture of what, thanks to you, Mark, and what everybody who’s involved is doing. Thanks for that! Words are sometimes inadequate…but it sure feels good to be home.

  4. My child of the past was searching for answers, I engaged myself in armed forces revoluionary council as a peoples defence commitee member(civilian at the age of 21) i was one of the crusaders between the army and the masses, From there, engaged my self in church crusades to established churches, still an elder in the church. My searching for answers went on and on until 1999 i recieved my first invitation from LORD MARK HAMILTON, “EURUKA”(Hebrew) I HAVE FOUND THE WAY.

  5. My thank and appreciation at the time I started reading the Neothink Literature by
    Mr Hamilton ,

    Only then could i understand the great traghedy not living that creative life we were
    ment to live, but with his vision as founder of the Twelv vision party and the Prim Law

    which will be the change.

  6. The Nothink Society Mark Hamilton my mentor as created this path of truth clarity
    as a member this as given me a clear vision in living my life knowing how to create
    and go about enjoying the life i was ment to live,

    As clea

  7. Mark Hamilton is building the future of the world by creating the Neothink family of people with totally honest value creators.

  8. Mark Hamilton is creating a unique and united family of people that will create the future of mankind through genuine honest and totally integrated value creators.

  9. I have been in The Neothink Society for a couple years, more years are coming
    and I feel more and more comfortable, and satisfied because finaly I have found
    my center, my peace, love, and fully integrade honesty. The Neothink Society is my home.

  10. As a child i was always looking for a better way of life, I’ve been in the society for a couple months now, being in with the family in society is where every individual should be. I personally thank mark hamilton for showing me the person i was meant to be and the life i was meant to live.

  11. I have been a member for years and I will say that the support I have gotten from members of this society have inspired me to work for greater achievements in life. Not only do I want to live the life I was meant to live but I, and other members, want to help folks live their dream life as well!

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